Illustrations for “The Church of Birds” Project

I worked with author Ben Gagnon illustrating his project titled The Church of Birds, an exploration on all of the ways that birds have helped shape the myths, societies, and psyches of humans throughout the ages. It was a wonderful project that I was fortunate enough to work on for a little over a year. You can follow The Church of Birds on the project’s website:

All pieces were created using watercolors and ink on watercolor paper, and then digitally edited on Adobe Photoshop.

All illustrations are depictions of myths featuring or associated with birds, from cultures all over the world.

The rights to all of these illustrations belong to Ben Gagnon and myself (2020).

“The Garden of Eden”
“The Volcano Road”
“The Flame Emperor and the Phoenix”
“Quetzalcoatl and Aztec King”
“Enlil & Enki Supervising the Sumerian Garden of Edin”
“Swan Maidens Carrying Souls to Tuonela”
“The World Tree”
“The Cosmic Egg”
“King Memnon’s Pyre”
“Mandan Dance with the Geese”
“Vultures Carry the Souls of Warriors from the Battlefield”
“The Forming of Obsidian”
“A Sacred Place”